Apple offers a 30-pin adapter Lightning Port with iPhone 5

Those who have a variety of accessories for older versions of iPhone, will be interested to know that Apple offers to all who order the new iPhone 5, the adapter Lightning Port, allowing for a 30-pin peripherals.
Surprisingly, this option is free for those who order the iPhone 5.

HMC3260 - Android-PC from Motorola

Motorola has released the Chinese market a new device that uses the operating system Android, which is neither a tablet or smartphone, but is a kind of desktop computer, or, as he called his producer, home entertainment device.


GPS-receivers in modern mobile devices today are nothing new, but the shoes with the ability to GPS-navigation is certainly able to attract the attention of the boom.
British designer Dominic Wilcox suggested that the concept of shoes in which you can load the data on the destination, and they will point to the owner of the route - simple and tasteful, especially for fans of hiking.

IPhone 5 Pre-orders have exceeded 2 million for the first day

Pre-orders for iPhone 5 were taken last Friday, and within an hour the next time sales have shifted from 21 September for 2-3 weeks.
Today Appleobyavila the number of pre-ordered in the first day - that number exceeded 2 million, and a new record for the company. This rate is more than double the previous record set by iPhone 4S.

Asus S56 - 21mm Ultrabook with DVD-drive

Ultrabooks are light and computer performance, but for some of their major drawback is the lack of optical drives.